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A very severe damage of the macula of a young girl's eye caused by a ball launched by an air gun
Poster Details
First Author: D.Kanellas GREECE
Co Author(s): K. Pavlakis P. Minakakis P. Bournas
Abstract Details
The presentation of a case with severe damage of the macula with an image that is not often seen.
A young girl, 23 years old who was hitted at her left eye by a ball launched by an air gun.
The evaluation of the damage was based on full ophthalmic and fundus examination, b-scan, photography, fluorescein angiography and repeated OCTs.
The consequences of the above mentioned injury were a complete disruption of all retinal layers and a choroidal rupture affecting the fovea. No peripheral tears or other damages were seen. The IOP remained normal. After some days a fibrous scar was developed in the area of the fovea. The visual acuity was less than 1/20 and it was not getting better until today. No surgical procedure was about to help, as we were told by some specialized retinal surgeons. The patient is still under close follow-up.
Injuries of the eye by hitting objects can vary in severity from case to case and unfortunately, sometimes, the final visual acuity remains very low and nothing can be done therapeutically.
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