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Evaluation of unfolding time for three hydrophobic intraocular lenses
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First Author: I.Singh USA
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Abstract Details
To evaluate the intraoperative unfolding characteristics and total time of 3 commonly used hydrophobic IOL materials. Since the water content and the surface density/hardness can vary between hydrophobic IOLs, the behavior and time to unfold during surgery may vary as well.
Hospital Operating Room
Observational study comparing the intraoperative unfolding time of 36 MX60E (B+L), 14 SVT20 (Alcon), and 10 ZKBOO (J&J), hydrophobic IOLs. All cases recorded and performed by the same surgeon. All IOLs were stored in room temperature with room temperature BSS, using the same cohesive OVD. All lenses were loaded by the surgeon immediately prior to implantation using manufacturer suggested cartridges.
The average unfolding time (full deployment of the haptics and no observed bend of the optic) to be 22 seconds (15-30 sec) in the MX60E group, 42 seconds (22-86) in the SVT20 group, and 59 seconds (30-105) in the ZKBOO group. There were no haptic-optic adhesion or need for assistance to loosen the haptic in the MX60E group, whereas 2 cases of the SN60 and 1 case of the PCBOO required assistance. 2 cases in the SN60 group where observable scratches were seen on the optic when fully unfolded, appeared to occur during loading of the IOL into the cartage.
In conclusion, the MX60E appears to offer more efficient unfolding than the other commonly used hydrophobic IOLs. Furthermore, there does appear to be less sensitivity to inadvertent scratching or adhesions to the lens during implantation.
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