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Cataract Surgery Practice Styles
- Bore and chop a new technique to optimize endothelial cell loss in hard grade IV+ cataracts and achieving clear corneas on first postoperative day
R.Odeyar INDIA - Comparison of pain tolerance during phacoemulsification surgery under topical anaesthesia and combined topical anaesthesia with intracameral preservative free lignocaine
L.Mohan INDIA - Early outcomes of modified cataract surgeries with telescopic magnification for patients with advanced age-related macular degeneration
F.Helvacioglu TURKEY - Effect of tropicamide and phenylephrine on astigmatism axis and its implications in corneal marking
C.Rocha de Lossada SPAIN - Intraocular lens power formula accuracy in short eyes - a comparison of 10 formulae
D.Hipolito-Fernandes PORTUGAL - Low corneal astigmatism: refractive outcomes after cataract surgery
D.Maleita PORTUGAL - Montgomery in, Bolam out: are trainee surgeons 'material risks' when taking consent for cataract surgery in the UK?
Y.Abdallah UK - No-history methods to calculate intraocular lens power in eyes with previous myopic laser refractive surgery: a network meta-analysis
J.Huang CHINA - Practice patterns of Canadian Ophthalmological Society members in cataract surgery: survey 2019
L.Ong-Tone CANADA - Practice styles and preferences of Dutch cataract and refractive surgeons, 2019 survey
Y.Henry THE NETHERLANDS - Quality outcomes and benchmarks for lens exchange surgery: a German registry
C.Schäferhoff GERMANY - Telephone consultation for post-cataract surgery in the south-east Asian population: feasibility, safety and patient acceptance
R.Husain SINGAPORE - The EUREQUO annual report 2019
M.Lundstrom SWEDEN - Use of ISBCS to optimize subjective perception of cataract surgery