Starting phaco, including "Learning from the learners": Interactive video sessions
video cases presented by young ophthalmologists
Saturday 5 October | 08.30 – 16.00
Elicium 2 (Level 1)
Chairpersons: O. Findl AUSTRIA, S. Morselli ITALY, K. Vannas FINLAND

- 08.30
- P. Rosen UK
Preparing for the first operation
- 08.45
- K. Vannas FINLAND
How to set the microscope, how to set yourself,
what about the patient
- 09.00
- J. Holladay USA
Biometry: what you need to know
- 09.15 – 10.45
Discussants: P. Rosen UK, N. Reus THE NETHERLANDS,
R. Packard UK
- 09.15
- R. Packard UK, A. Crnej SLOVENIA
Incisions, OVD
- 10.00
Capsulorhexis, hydrodissection
- 10.45 – 13.00
P. Ursell UK, A. Vasavada INDIA
- 10.45
- O. Findl AUSTRIA, M. Morral SPAIN
Phacoemulsification I: getting a crack
- 11.30
- A. Vasavada INDIA, S. Barisic SERBIA
Phacoemulsification II and I/A: fluidics, surge
- 12.15
- P. Ursell UK, M. Doors THE NETHERLANDS
Intraocular lenses: tricks
- 13.00
- Break
- 14.15 – 16.00
Discussants: P. Barry IRELAND, B. Malyugin RUSSIA
- 14.15
- B. Malyugin RUSSIA, G. Cleary UK
Small / floppy pupils
- 15.00
- P. Barry IRELAND, P. Viola ITALY
Posterior capsule rupture
- 15.45
- P. Barry IRELAND
Using Eurequo for documentation and audit
- 16.00
- End of session