First Author: P.Gomez Faińa SPAIN
Co Author(s): A. Matheu Fabra J. Gracia Martinez J. Nuńez Perez J. Armentia Perez de Mendiola
To describe ophthalmic manifestations in a patient with multiple myeloma.
: 1. Hospital de Sabadell (CSPT). Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain. 2. Hospital de la Esperanza y Hospital del Mar (Parc de Salut Mar). Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain.
52-year-old patient male, in the context of a multiple myeloma Ig D lambda, stage III-A (Durie-Salmon) and stage 2 (SWOG), refractory to first line treatment, is sent for evaluation of ocular severe affectation of his right eye.
Physical exploration reveals great conjuntival, corneal and orbital infiltration that produces important restriction of ocular mobility and apparent proptosis. Computerized tomography shows big masses in both orbits with bone destruction, that compress and displace adjacent structures, with right side predominance. Provided patient´s life expectancy is very short and it takes place stabilization of ocular symptons, patient was managed palliatively.
Plasma cell tumor are infrequent in ocular annexes, representing less than 1% of all orbitary tumors, nevertheless orbitary manifestations are the initial sign in 75% of multiple myeloma cases in which the orbit is affected. Orbitary implication in multiple myeloma can be the first and only sign in which chemotherapic treatment is insufficient.
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