First Author: D.Sanchez Chicharro UNITED KINGDOM
Co Author(s): V. Tanner
To analyze the stability and impact of Artisan lens in aphakic vitrectomized eyes.
: Artisan lens has become more popular among vitreo-retinal surgeons. It represents a simple approach in secondary lens implantation after complex pathology with inadequate capsular support. However, it is clinically visible that this iris-lens diaphragm presents an increased mobility in vitrectomized eyes. Very seldom studies have been published in this regard.
Retrospective study of aphakic vitrectomized eyes and Artisan lens implant. Visual acuity, endothelial cell count and UBM ultrasound scan were performed in these patients.
A total of 6 patients were followed over a mean period of 12 months. The visual acuity and endothelial cell count did not show a significant difference from previous reports. However, the UBM scan showed significant mobility of the iris-lens diaphragm in comparison to other intraocular lens implants.
Although Artisan lens implant remains a fair option in aphakic and vitrectomized eyes, its stability and impact requires further study. This is the only report we are aware of analysing Artisan lenses in vitrectomised eyes with UBM ultrasound.
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