Session Title: Refractive II
Session Date/Time: Saturday 04/02/2012 | 08:30-11:00
Paper Time: 09:28
Venue: Grand Ballroom
First Author: : A.Khalil EGYPT
Co Author(s): :
to evaluate the visual outcome of unilateral multifocal diffractive lens implantation in one eye and a monofocal intraocular lens (IOL) implantation in the contralateal eye in patients classified as poor candidates for multifocal lens implantation
Private practice
12 patients who were not good candidates for bilateral multifocal lens implantation were implanted with multifocal diffractive IOL (Acrysof ReSTOR) in the non-dominant eye, and with a monofocal aspheric Acrysof SN60WF IOL in the other eye (dominant eye). Patients were evaluated postoperatively for binocular visual acuity at various distances, near stereopsis, spectacle dependence, and patient satisfaction based on a score from 1-3, 3 being the highest satisfaction. RESULTS Uncorrected binocular near visual acuity was 6/18 or better in all cases. Near stereopsis within normal range was present in 7 cases (58%). 8 cases (66.6%) enjoyed spectacle independence. In binocular vision, no patients complained of waxy vision. 5 patients demonstrated a satisfaction score of 3, another 5 a satisfaction score of 2, and 2; a satisfaction score of 1
Hybrid monovision can be a viable alternative for patients who seek spectacle independence, but are not good candidates for bilateral multifocal lens implantation
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