First Author: S.Pieh AUSTRIA
Co Author(s): H. Umesh Babu W. Stork
Aberrationscorrecting intraocular lenses are showing a reduced image quality in case decentration. Different intraocular lens designs have been developed to reduce the sensitivity for decentration. Aim of this study is to examine the effectiveness of different lens designs using an optical bench.
Medical University Vienna, Department of Ophthalmology and Optometry
An optical bench using a cornea exhibiting a spherical aberration of 0.26µm and a pupil opening of 4.7mm was used to examine different IOL designs. The Hoya PC-60 AD with an ABC-Design, the aberrationfree CT ASPHINA 409M from Carl Zeiss Meditec and the aberrationcorrecting Tecnis IOL from Abbot Medical Optics were evaluated. The Strehl Ratio was determined in centered and decentered position in 0.1mm increments up to 0.5 mm for all lenses.
The aberrationcorrecting IOL showed the best results in case of perfect centration but in highest sensitivity for decentration. The aberration free lens design and the ABC design showed good results in the range of the expected decentration in the human eye.
The uncertain estimation of the postoperative decentration of the IOL limits the choice of intraocular lens designs. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE?: No
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