First Author: S.Kuznetsov RUSSIA
Co Author(s): S. Novikov Y. Selifanov
Experimental and clinical study of new " torsion" haptic IOL model position depending on the lens capsular bag (CB) parameters.
1Penza Federal State Institute for Postgraduate Medical Studies, Penza, Russia; 2Limited Liability Company " Scientifical Experimental Production Eye Microsurgery" , Moscow, Russia.
Torsion PHIOL by " SEP EM" Ltd. 14.5 mm size was studied in the experiment on 10 enucleated cadaver eyes and in clinic on 8 eyes of 8 patients. Biometrics and UBM were used to determine the native lens parameters and IOL assessment in CB.
The immediate effect of the CB shape recovery was obtained in all cases. It was found in experiment that the proximal part of IOL haptic was bent to varying degrees depending on the CB size to adjust to the individual CB parameters.
It was established that the new model IOL with the torsion haptic allows reconstructing the CB shape. The effect is related to the fact that the IOL haptic is adapted to the individual size of CB due to its original design. IOL haptic elements provide uniform pressure distribution on the CB at 360° in two planes, that exclude its ovalisation. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE?: No
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