First Author: V.Sugantharaj INDIA
Co Author(s):
a surgical innovation to accomplish globe fixation while performing phaco emulsification and LRI under topical anaesthesia. it allows for an ideal and effective way to fixate the eye ball while performing intra- operative LRI( limbal relaxing incisions)
the new technique was invented by the author while performing phacoemulsification surgeries and LRI under topical anaesthesia at VASAN EYE CARE hospital - chennai. the author is a professor of ophthalmology with 14 years of teaching experience
a corneal pocket incision is deviced with a 23 G mvr blade. initiated at the limbus usually at the 3 o clock position and propagated for about one to two clock hours tangential to the limbus. Fixation is achieved by wedging an iris repositor into this blind corneal pocket. the tangential construction not only achieves fixation but also prevents rotational movements of the eye ball
the corneal pocket incision has proven to be a very effective technical modification that has helped the author to get better and more consistent wound construction each and every time as well as to perform LRI consisitently
the corneal pocket incision will make a difference in the way you achieve globe fixation while constructing the clear corneal valved incision during phaco as well as in performing intra- operative LRIs under topical anesthesia FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE?: No
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