First Author: R.Lorente SPAIN
Co Author(s): V. De Rojas B. Lorente
To describe the opportunities that torsional U/S combined with the new OZil IP software provides in cataract extraction procedures.
Complejo Hospitalario de Orense and Complejo Hospitalario de A Coruńa, Spain
Patients were pre-screened for cataract grades 2 and above. Cataract surgery with torsional u/s was then performed on 48 patients evenly devised between two groups. All cases were performed with a phaco Chop technique through a 2.2 mm incision using ultrasleeve, a 45ŗ Minitip Kelman phaco tip and Intrepid Plus Micro-coaxial System. Group 1 was performed using torsional u/s with OZil IP energy management active @ a ratio of torsional/longitudinal of 0.5. Group 2 was performed with torsional u/s with OZil IP active @ a ratio of torsional/longitudinal of 1. Intraoperative measurements: cumulative dissipated energy (CDE), average torsional amplitude, effective phacoemulsification time, estimated fluid used and aspiration time
Study is still on going. Preliminary data indicates that efficiency of surgery is improved in group 1 and usage of overall energy is reduced .In both groups, it was noted that the torsional u/s provided very efficient cutting and reliable anterior chamber stability.
All groups provided good surgical and postoperative clinical results. However the combination of Torsional ultrasound including the advanced software OZil IP at a 0.5 ratio resulted in more efficient surgery due to lack of chattering and better fluidic control. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE?: No
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