First Author: F.Yilmaz TURKEY
Co Author(s): H. Serdarogullari N. Gurkaynak A. Yildirim M. Elcioglu
To report a case of Sturge-Weber syndrome in combination with multiple sclerosis (MS).
Department of Ophthalmology, Okmeydani Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, TURKEY
A female patient with left side of Sturge-Weber syndrome had been followed up regularly with glaucoma for a long time.Simultaneously, she had subclinical attacks of optic neuritis associated with MS.
The patient's left eye was affected by high intraocular pressure resulting in total optic atrophy.However, the type of optic atrophy indicated demyelinating diseases rather than glaucomatous changes.
Both conditions may present with vision loss with similar brain MRI findings. Although both disorders have unique ocular findings, it can be very challenging to differentiate optic neuropathy whether it is glaucomatous or related to optic neuritis. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE?: No
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