First Author: F.Ferreira PORTUGAL
Co Author(s): N. Oliveira C. Fonseca C. Paiva
Present a clinical case
ocular hypertension
A 39-year-old woman was admitted in emergency room (ER) complaining of acute bilateral visual lossfrontal headache and vomiting. The patient has asthma and did nebulized salbutamol in the morning. Ophthalmic observation disclosed bilateral fixed, middilated pupil, best correct visual acuity (BCVA) right eye (RE): hands movement at 2 meters and left eye(LE): 1/10, anterior segment examination demonstrated bilateral conjuntival hyperemia, corneal edema, markedly shallow anterior chamber. IOP applanation method RE: 66 mmHg and LE: 64 mmHg.
After 12h of beginning therapeutic measures (medical and laser treatment), the patient was better without headache and BCVA was 2/10 OU. One month after, the patient fully recovered.
The occurrence of bilateral AACG after use of some medication is a rare but dangerous situation. When quickly recognized and treated, the results are great. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE?: No
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