First Author: L.Kobakov BULGARIA
Co Author(s):
To assess the UCVA for near distance after implantation of accomodating IOL
To find a correlation between patients age, sex and preoperative ammetropia and the visual outcome
Setting/Venue St.Petka Eyeclinic, Varna, Bulgaria 2009-2012
St Petka Eyeclinic,Varna,Bulgaria
A prospective study was performed.We followed 14 patients (16 eyes) after phacoemulsification and accomodating Crystalens IOL implantation. None of them had any other ocular pathology.
We divided them: -by sex-9 men(9 eyes) and 5 women(7 eyes) -by age- 4 patients under the age of 40(5 eyes) and 10 patients above it(11 eyes) -by preoperative ammetropia 6 myopic eyes and 10 emmetropic or hyperopic eyes
All of the patiens had their IOL calculated by Lenstar optical biometer.
Cycloplaegic drops were administered for 20 days after the operation.
All the patients in the study were emmetropic for far distance one month after the operation.
UCVA for near distance was measured using the Snellen Chart at the same examination
In the group of women 2 eyes (28.6%) showed UCVA for near distance 20/20; 3 eyes (42.9%) had 20/30 and 2 eyes (28.6%)-20/70.
From the group of men 1 eye (11.1%) had UCVA 20/20; 5 eyes (55.5%) had 20/30; 2 eyes (22.2%) had 20/50 while 1 eye (11.1%) showed 20/70.
In the group of pre-presbyopic eyes, 3 eyes (60%) had UCVA 20/30; 1 eye 20% had 20/50 and 1 eye (20%) 20/70.
From the group of eyes in patients aged 40 years and above 3 eyes (27.3%) had UCVA 20/20; 5 eyes (45.4%) had 20/30;1 eye (9%) had 20/50 and 2 eyes (18.2%) had 20/70.
From myopic eyes one (16.7%) had UCVA 20/20, another one (16.7%) 20/30; 2 eyes (33.3%) 20/50; and 2 eyes(33.3%) 20/70.
From emmetropic and hyperopic eyes 2 (20%) had UCVA 20/20; 7 eyes (70%) had 20/30 and 1 eye (10%) had 20/70.
Most of our patients(68%) have UCVA for near 20/30 and above, a visual acuity that definitely limits the use of reading glasses.
We could not find a significant correlation between the sex and the age of the patient and the visual outcome.
Although being not statistically representative, our results show a tendency of worse visual outcome in myopic eyes,probably related to the thickness of the IOL. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE?: No
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