First Author: V.Rasch GERMANY
Co Author(s): E. Sch
Until now multifocal lenses, either diffractive so refractive are based on rotational symetry with concentric rings. These concepts produce due to physical properties scattered light and loss of light. Furthermore these effects will added by corneal aberration and astigmatism. The Lentis Mplus IOL with concept of rotational asymetry features a completely approach in multifocal lens technology. In this study shall presented the influence of pupil diameter, decentration and corneal astigmatism on the aberrometry and visual quality.
At 87 patients were implanted a LENTIS Mplus and after the implantation were measured the far and near visual aquity and the aberration at different pupil diameter after mydriasis was applyed. The measurement of the aberrometry was occurring with the zywave (B&L) and with the wavescan (AMO. Furthermore the measurements were also occur at 7 cases after a laser touch up for the residual corneal astigmatism and refraction.
Both aberration, near visual aquity and subjective patient satisfaction are dependent of the pupil diameter. Also a influence has the postoperative capsular shrinkings.
At the preoperative patient selection are introduce the pupil diameter, corneal astigmatism and the option of a postoperative corneal laser touch up. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE?: No
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