First Author: J.Novak CZECH REPUBLIC
Co Author(s): H. Adamkova
Disturbing visual phenomenons (hallo, glare), dependence on the size of the pupil, decrease of contrast sensitivity belong to main disadvantages of todays " multifocal" IOL“s. Combination of a higher quality of the optical design and a special method of implantation is able to decrease mentioned disadvantages.
Department of Ophthalmology, Pardubice - Czech Republic
Hydrophilic acrylic SeeLens MF is based on standard clinical certified design of SeeLens series. Aspheric biconvex design with 360deg square edge stepped barrier with central 4mm diffractive apodized zone and long haptics allowes implantation both into the bag and the sulcus. Since 10/2010 until 12/2010 SeeLens-MF were implanted in 17 patients (22eyes) with cataracts (6 bilateral and 10 unilateral implantations). Standard phaco cataract surgery was used, LECs were removed and IOL were placed into the visual axis. Visual acuity (monocular UCVA and BCVA at far, binocular middle and binocular near distance using ETDRS charts for 6m, 80cm and 40cm) and contrast sensitivity (CSV1000) were measured after the surgery.
UCVA(BCVA) at far distance increased from 0.27 to 0.71(0.95), UCVA(BCVA) at near distance (40cm) was 0.89(0,95) and UCVA at middle distance (80cm) was 0.63. and the average values of CSV1000 were A4.6 B4.4 C3.8 D3.5. Hallo and glare are realising in most patients, after one year non of them had problems with driving in the night. All in all the patients were subjectively satisfied both with unilateral and bilateral implantation.
Multifocal diffractive-refractive IOL SeeLens MF from Hanita appers to be the same quality compared with today“s standard MF IOLs of similar construction. Easy implantation and ability of its centration into the visual axis make it excellent for routine clinical use. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE?: ... research is funded, fully or partially, by a company producing, developing or supplying the product or procedure presented
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