First Author: N.Y TURKEY
Co Author(s): L. Karabas M. G Aktag
Purpose: To determine the risk factors for intraoperative complicatios in phacoemulsification
Surgery in patients with pseudoexfoliation with or without glaucoma.
Kocaeli University, School of Medicine , Ophthalmology Department Kocaeli
Material and Methods: A total of 265 consecutive eyes in pseudoexfoliation syndome enrolled
the study. Demographic parameters , best corrected visual acuity, intraocular pressure, cataract density classication, pupil dilation ,the presence of phacodonesis and zonular weakness documented preoperatively in every case. Phacoemulsification surgery was performed and any intraocular complications were recorded. Multivariate models were construc ted to determine risk factors for intraoperative complications.
Results. The intraoperative complications rate was 5,6 %. Complications during surgery in patients with pseudoexfoliation syndrome was associated with best corrected visual acuity, grading of cataract density, poor pupillary dilation and zonular weakness.
Conlusions: Dicreased visual acuity and increased cataract density significantly influence intraoperarive complications rates in addition to spesific features of pseudoexfoliation syndrome such as poor pupillary dilation or zonular weakness. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE?: No
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