First Author: J.Aramberri SPAIN
Co Author(s):
Calculate and validate a regression formula using UBM variables as predictors to improve ICL sizing
BEGITEK Clķnica, San Sebastian, and OKULAR Clķnica, Vitoria. Spain
Formula calculation study: 104 eyes of 60 patients were included. Patients were 36.74 +/- 7.73 years old. 56.66 % were women and 43.33 % were men. Preoperative and postoperative anterior segment Sheimpflug and UBM measurements were done to detect variables related with post operative vault size. Sulcus-to-sulcus, lens rise, ACDendo, corneal curvature and HWTW were investigated for prediction power. Multiple variable regression analysis was performed in order to develop a formula to predict lens vault from the mentioned parameters. Validation study is ongoing.
Calculation group: Postoperative vault was 0.58 +/-0.27 mm. 1.92 % of eyes had vault<200 microns and 2.88 % of eyes had vault>1200 micron. Sulcus-to-sulcus and Lens rise increased from preop to postop 0.10 +/-0.36 mm and 0.25 +/-0.17 mm respectively. Different multivariable regression formulae were searched. The best prediction performance was obtained with a three variable formula that presented 0 +/- 0.21 mm prediction error and 0.12 mm median absolute error. Validation study is ongoing.
A new ICL sizing formula based on UBM was calculated. Sizing error is smaller than with other reported methods. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE?: ... travel has been funded, fully or partially, by a company producing, developing or supplying the product or procedure presented
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