First Author: L.Gutierrez MEXICO
Co Author(s): N. Ruiz
Macular corneal dystrophy has an Autosomal recessive inheritance of the Carbohydrate sulfotransferase 6 gene (CHST) on 16q22, is the least common of the stromal dystrophies but it is the most severe.
Asociacion para evitar la ceguera en Mexico.
: A 35 years old male from a community of 1,500 habitants in Campeche, Mexico presented with a bilateral low vision acuity, diffuse stromal haze extending to the limbus, and many whitish opacities (macules) were observed in the cornea. Apenetrating keratoplasy was performed and the histopatolgy showed deposits of glycosaminoglycans intracellulary and extracellulary in the corneal stroma, wich stain positively with Alcian blue, arriving the diagnsosis of macular corneal dystrophy.
With the performance of the penetrante keratoplasty the visual acuity improved, a genetic study was maded and two relatives of the patient from the same community were diagnosed with macular dystrophy.
The diagnosis is clinical and histopathological. Campeche has a high incidence of corneal macular dystrophy. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE?: No
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