First Author: F.Alharbi SAUDI ARABIA
Co Author(s): A. Rushoud
: to find out the scotopic pupil size in normal patients coming for refractive surgery
Kahhal Eye Center, SAUDI ARABIA
a prospective study of the pupil size of 100 consecutive saudi patients (34 females and 66 males) with a mean age of 29.83years scheduled for refractive surgery in Kahhal eye Center from March 2003 to May 2003 using hand-held pupillometer.
: mean scotopic pupil diameter was 6.37mm ± 0.86(SD) (range 4.0-9.0 mm).
Mean scotopic pupil diameter for females was 6.08mm ± 0.83(SD) (range 4.1-7.8 mm).
Mean scotopic pupil diameter for male was 6.51mm ± 0.84(SD) (range 4.0-9.0 mm).
Mean scotopic pupil diameter for the right eye was 6.33mm ± 0.87(SD) (range 4.1-8.6 mm).
Mean sctopic pupil diameter for the left eye was 6.40mm ± 0.88(SD) (range 4.0-9.0 mm).
Only eighteen patients (18%) had identical pupils
A mean scotopic pupil size of 6.37mm with a maximal pupil size of 9.0mm can be expected in our patients.
Few patients have identical pupils.
Patients with large pupils should be counseled about the high risk of glare and halos or the selection of a larger ablation. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE?: No
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