First Author: N.Sergienko UKRAINE
Co Author(s): I. Shargorodska
To determine data of both eyes of patients with unilateral keratokonus
National Medical Academy of Postdraduate Education. Kyiv, Ukraine
Eighty subjects were included in the study; among them 9 persons had a keratokonus diagnosis which was determined with Pentacam system. Twenty five healthy subjects presenting a control group had emmetropic refraction or ametropia under 2.0 D. All eyes were examined with the Pentacam system and with our new method which is characterized with registering the shape of the anterior cornea surface with Pentacam two times: before and during artificially elevated IOP at 30 mm mercury. The measurement difference in terms of diopters was noted as a result of the 2 measurements.
The difference of the cornea shape in both keratoconic and fellow eyes and eyes of the subjects of the control group was as follows: +4.12 D, +1.37 D and -0.55 D respectively. An increase of the optical power of the cornea during the loading may be explained with a cornea bulging as a result of the reduced biomechanical properties of the cornea. The cornea of keratoconic as well as fellow eyes is characterized with the reduced biomechanical property. A degree of biomechanical property of the fellow eyes was 3 times better than that of the keratoconic ones however significantly lower as compared with healthy eyes. Eyes of the control group showed a slight flattering of the cornea in course of the loading.
An altering a shape of the anterior cornea surface under loading by artificially elevated IOP may serve as a criterion for early diagnosis of keratokonus. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE?: No
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