First Author: A.Lorente-Velazquez SPAIN
Co Author(s): J. Ruiz Alcocer D. Madrid Costa C. P R. Mont
To evaluate the visual performance of an aberration-free intraocular lens (IOL) in
patients with different corneal profiles using adaptive optics (AO) visual simulation.
University of Valencia
A CRX1 AO visual simulator (Imagine Eyes, France) was used to simulate the
aberrations pattern of an aberration-free IOL combined with five corneal profiles:
virgin corneas and corneas with low and high myopic ablations and low and high
hyperopic ablations. Monocular distance visual acuity (VA) at 100%, 50% and 10% of contrast were measured
Ten eyes of ten subjects were evaluated. At 100% of contrast, differences
were not found in VA values among: virgin corneas, low and high myopic ablations and
low hyperopic ablation groups (P=0.06). All these groups achieved better results than the high hyperopic ablation group (P< 0.001). At 50% and 10% the best values of VA
were obtained for the virgin corneas and for the low myopic and hyperopic ablations
groups (P>0.1, for both levels of contrast). Statistically significant differences were
found between these three corneal profiles and the other two corneal profiles
(P<0.002 for the high myopic and P<0.001 for the high hyperopic, for both levels of contrasts).
The results suggests that the aberration-free IOL design provides an
excellent visual performance for a range of corneal SA that could correspond to
patients with virgin corneas and to patients in which the corneal SA has been slightly
modified by a hyperopic or myopic laser ablation. However, in patients with higher
amounts of corneal SA other IOL design should be chosen. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE?: No
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