First Author: A.El Aswad SPAIN
Co Author(s): A. Plaza Puche J. Alio J. Javaloy M. Ayala
To compare the visual outcomes and the intraocular optical quality observed postoperatively in patients implanted with a rotational asymmetric multifocal IOL and an apodized diffractive multifocal IOL.
Vissum Corporation, Alicante, Universidad Miguel Hernįndez, Alicante, Spain.
75 consecutive eyes of 40 cataract patients (age range 36-79 years) were divided into two groups: zonal refractive group, 39 eyes implanted with the rotational asymmetric multifocal IOL Lentis Mplus LS-312 IOL; diffractive group, 35 eyes implanted with the ReSTOR SN6AD3 apodized diffractive multifocal IOL. Distance and near visual acuity outcomes, contrast sensitivity, intraocular optical quality and defocus curves were evaluated during 3-months follow-up.
UNVA and distance-corrected near visual acuity were better in the diffractive group than in the zonal refractive group (p=0.01), while intermediate acuity (defocus +1.0 and +1.5D) was better in the zonal refractive group. Photopic contrast sensitivity was significantly better in the zonal refractive group (p=0.04). Wavefront-aberrations (total, higher-order, tilt, primary coma) were significantly higher in the zonal refractive group than in the diffractive group (p=0.02).
Both multifocal IOLs are able to restore successfully the visual function after cataract surgery. The zonal refractive MIOL provides better results in contrast sensitivity and intermediate vision, while the diffractive MIOL provided better near vision at a closer distance. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE?: No
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