First Author: R.Mach CZECH REPUBLIC
Co Author(s): M. Mohamad
To consider the effect of using diluted dye for beginning surgeons.
Dept. of Ophthalmology, Krajskį zdravotnķ a.s., 434 64 Most, Czech Republic
Observations: When performing cataract operation with phacofragmentation, the hardest step for beginning surgeons is well performed CCC. This is, among the others, signalized with their higher breath and pulse rates. No matter whether they use cystotom or Utrata forceps they usually give rise to an unclear front cortex even on the eye with good pre-operation fundus reflex. Then the surgeon loses orientation in the fold of the anterior capsule. These troubles extend the time of the operation and can even have an impact on the operation result itself.
Diluted Trypan Blue in anaesthetic Lidocain colors the anterior capsule with the dye and at the same time does not cause blue precipitation in anterior chamber. The operation is then more relaxing for both beginning surgeon as well as his supervisor. The sufficient concentration of the dye in our studies ranged from 1:1 to 1:5. In most cases the lowest 17% concentration of Trypan Blue prepared from original 0,06% w/v (Sodium chloride IP 0,85%w/v, isotonic base q.s.) in anaesthetic was enough for this purpose.
Trypan Blue dilution provides a useful tool for beginning surgeons even for transparent lenses. It possesses smaller endothelium toxicity and thus is a smaller burden for the patient. When the situation becomes unclear in the anterior capsule during capsulorexis the dye always informs about the state and position of the anterior capsule fold in swelling cortex. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE?: No
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