First Author: O.Richoz SWITZERLAND
Co Author(s): F. Hafezi
Some ocular diseases can be due to abnormal scleral biomechanical property; pathophysiology of malignant myopia (high myopia) is related to scleral biomechanical weakness. Weakened sclera subjected to constant intraocular pressure may lead to progressive elongation of the eye and some glaucoma diseases could be caused by a excessive scleral rigidity mainly in the optic nerve head
We developed an easy to use and sensible system for measuring the scleral biomechanique.
After extracting the lens and vitreous with a cannula passed through the optic nerve, the cannula is left in the vitreous cavity and is connected to a manometer to control intraocular pressure. Volume change of the eye is measured by fluid displacement in a paraffin seal chamber around the eye.
We analyze five eyes volume modification by changing the intraocular pressure.
Compliance was calculated by dividing the volume modification compared to the pressure modification.
After that we make an average of the 5 measurements and a computer trendline calculation, we derived the obtained formula formula for have the (?V/?P) graph.
The eyes has an important volume expansion for a low pressure modification during the first 10 mmHg after than volume expansion slow down up to 20 mmHg
The mathematical model confirms our observation (?V/?P = 0 when P >20)
This method show promising results but further experimentation need to be made to know its reliability FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE?: No
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