Comparison of three multifocal intraocular lenses: single-center study
Poster Details
First Author: S. Guy BELGIUM
Co Author(s): K. Mc Donald
Abstract Details
To evaluate refractive and visual parameters related to distance, intermediate, and near vision after cataract and refractive lens of three different multifocal intra-ocular lenses (IOL). We report on a single-center, observational, comparative analysis of three types of multifocal IOL’s implanted post-cataract or refractive lensexchange surgery with either trifocal FineVision (Physiol), Bifocal Restor SNAD1 (Alcon) or Trifocal PanOptix TF00NT (Alcon) intra-ocular lenses.
Ooginstituut, Aalst, Belgium
Retrospective chart review of 112 eyes of 56 patients with astigmatism less than 1.25D. FineVision (n=23,) and Restor (n=24) samples were a random selections of patients implanted with these IOL’s. PanOptix (n=9) sample included all consecutive patients implanted. A complete ophthalmology examination was performed preoperatively and postoperatively. Visual acuity (VA) measurements were taken 4 weeks post-implant of second eye for distance, near (40cm) and intermediate (60cm). The main outcome measures were uncorrected distance (UDVA) and corrected distance (CDVA), intermediate (uncorrected and corrected distance), and near (uncorrected and corrected distance) visual acuities.
Mean age is 61.06.9 years (range 48-79). Overall, 17.9% of eyes were implanted bilateral, 76.8% within 1 week, 5.3% >1 week apart. 44% of PanOptix patients received same-day bilateral implantation. Patients with PanOptix IOL had better binocular uncorrected (p=0.036) and distance-corrected (p=0.034) intermediate VA compared to those with FineVision or Restor IOL; no other statistically significant binocular VA differences were found at any distance. Eyes implanted with PanOptix had better 4-week VA for uncorrected and distance-corrected near and intermediate vision than eyes with FineVision and Restor IOL (6 of 8 measures significant at <0.05).
Early single-center real-world evidence on patients implanted with recently-approved PanOptix trifocal IOL suggests better monocular near and intermediate VA and binocular intermediate VA than those receiving FineVision or Restor lenses.
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One or more of the authors receives consulting fees, retainer, or contract payments from a company producing, developing or supplying the product or procedure presented, One or more of the authors travel has been funded, fully or partially, by a company producing, developing or supplying the product or procedure presented