Cavernous carotid giant aneurism: what is the ophthalmologist’s role?
Poster Details
First Author: C. Pinto Herrera SPAIN
Co Author(s): A. Blasco Alberto F. Mesa Lugo M. Sanchez Garcia D. Angel Pereira D. Perera Sanz
Abstract Details
Introduction: The term aneurysm refers to the abnormal dilation of a vessel, usually an artery. Cavernous carotid aneurysms constitute 2-3% of the intracranial aneurysms. They can lead to symptoms, secondary to its compressive effect in almost 60% of the cases.
University Hospital of the Canary Islands.
Clinical case: 40-year-old man suffering from ptosis and paresthesias of upper palate and lips in the right side of the face for 5-6 months. No personal history of interest. The examination revealed asymmetry of the superior palpebral fold and papillary pallor in both eyes. Because of the cranial multineuritis (second, third and fifth cranial nerves affected), imaging tests are requested.
In arteriography, giant fusiform aneurysm (45 x 40 mm) of the right cavernous carotid is found, which extends to the origin of the ophthalmic artery. Neurosurgeons decide surgical treatment of the aneurysm, performing implant of flow diversion stent-like devices. In the immediate postoperative, anisocoria is observed, no other alterations were found.
Conclusions: As in our case report, the ophthalmologist may be the first professional meeting with this condition. For this reason, it is important the knowledge of this pathology, the intracranial vascular structures anatomy and syndromes secondary to their alteration. This will permit a prompt image-based diagnostic and establish and early multidisciplinary therapeutic approach, avoiding serious complications such as subarachnoid hemorrhage, which may endanger patient's life.
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