New development of pigments for keratopigmentation: an experimental study
Poster Details
First Author: A. Rodriguez SPAIN
Co Author(s): J. Alio
Abstract Details
The aim of the work is to show the new gel pigments developed and exclusively designed for ocular application using intrastromal keratopigmentation.
Vissum Alicante, Spain
An experimental study was undertaken using cadaver pig eyes. Manual intralamellar keratopigmentation (MIK) using the specific instruments designed for this technique were used to create a tunnel in the cornea respecting the pupillar area to simulate the new iris. After proper mixing, a 1ml syringe was filled with the new gel pigment (France); this was introduced through a perpendicular incision in the tunnel. 9 different colours were used to test the product and cosmetic results.
At the moment of the injection the tunnel appeared slightly elevated compared to the rest of the cornea, but after applying mild pressure to eliminate the excess pigment the superficial aspect of the cornea returned to its normal state. Most of simulated irises showed a granular aspect, different tones of the same pigment and a less opaque appearance giving a very natural cosmetic result. Some of them appeared not to be suitable for keratopigmentation because they were not physiological colours to be used in the eyes. Blues and browns were the most adequate for keratopigmentation.
These new gel pigments appear to be cosmetically adequate to simulate the iris. Further in-vivo investigation will be needed for biocompatibility and tolerance on eye tissues and evaluate its behaviour over short, medium and long term periods.
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