Can a single eye drop be used for a comprehensive ophthalmic examination? One size fits all: off label use of Minims™ in busy ophthalmology clinics, “Charlie’s Cocktail”
Poster Details
First Author: C. Claoué UNITED KINGDOM
Co Author(s): N. Tan
Abstract Details
To assess whether a single eye drop can be used for tonometry and fundoscopy.
Secondary/Tertiary Referral Centre
Minims™ Tropicamide 1%,Phenylephrine 2.5% Fluorescein 1% & Proxymetacaine 0.5% unit doses were prepared and removed from their over-wrap retaining one rigid plastic sleeve. All the Proxymetacaine is emptied into the receptacle, then the Fluorescein 1%. This is done in an aseptic fashion, and then mixed. The Tropicamide and Phenylephrine 2.5% are added and mixed. The empty vials of proxymetacaine, tropicamide and phenylephrine are then refilled with the mixture, which we call “Charlie’s Cocktail”.
Ten consecutive patients were asked if they felt any pain after GAT, and pupil diameters were measured using the slit lamp beam at 20 minutes after administration.
We assessed 10 patients with their consent. We were able to produce a cocktail of 29 drops using the technique above, or enough for 14 patients which approximates to a single doctor’s sessional clinic workload. No patient felt any discomfort during GAT and it was possible to visualise the mires perfectly adequately. The pupil diameters varied from 5.5 to 8.0 mm at 20 minutes with an average of 6.6mm and a modal value of 6.5mm. It was easily possible to perform a standard fundoscopy in all patients.
Charlie’s Cocktail was ergonomic and easy to use. It effectively achieved comfortable GAT and sufficient dilation for fundal examination on all patients at 20 minutes post application.
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