The difference between applying alcohol or non-alcohol application of it to remove cornea epithelial layer in increasing visual improvement in patients after LASEK surgery
Poster Details
First Author: M. Zeinolabedin Moshref IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF
Co Author(s): H. Zeinolabedin Moshref H. Moshref F. Nader Tubeni
Abstract Details
A Comparison between alcohol and non-alcohol application to remove cornea epiteliuam layer and study of the effect of it on increasing visual improvement in patients.
A Comparison between alcohol and non-alcohol application to remove cornea epiteliuam layer and study of the effect of it on increasing visual improvement in patients.
There are 2 groups in this study as follows:
Group A includes 60 patients with alcohol and Group B includes 60 patients without alcohol to remove cornea epitelium layer during lasek surgery.
The result of all 120 patients evaluation has been shown in the following table:
We can conclude that non-alcohol application hasn’t much role in improvement process. However , cornea haziness has been reported 2 cases in our study in group A , but there hasn’t reported it in group B.
There is a trivial difference between alcohol and non-alcohol application in improvement process. Also ,it is recommended non-alcohol in terms of cornea haziness. However, alcohol application due to increasing surgery process and other factors will be the better choice , according to most ophthalmologists.
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