Long-term outcomes of a presbyopic LASIK algorithm used in pseudophakic eyes
Poster Details
First Author: R. Ang PHILIPPINES
Co Author(s):
Abstract Details
To report the long term results of a prospective clinical evaluation on the safety and efficacy of a presbyopic Lasik treatment used in pseudophakic patients to improve their near vision.
Asian Eye Institute, Philippines
30 patients implanted with monofocal intraocular lenses underwent monolateral presbyopic Lasik treatment (Supracor, Bausch and Lomb) on the non-dominant eye. The Supracor software creates a 12-micron elevation with negative spherical aberration in the central cornea surrounded by an aspheric optimized mid-peripheral zone. The central hyperprolate area extends the depth of focus approximately equal to 2.0D of near addition. Subject inclusion criteria are patient age of over 45 years, refractive error -2.0D to +2.0D, cylinder <2.0D and BCDVA of at least 20/25. Measured outcomes included manifest refraction, UDVA, UIVA, UNVA, BCDVA and DCNVA. Target refraction was -0.50D.
Preoperatively, mean MRSE was +0.23D with mean UDVA of 20/30, UIVA of 20/40 and UNVA of J7. At 2 years, mean MRSE was -0.58D. Mean monocular UDVA, UIVA and UNVA in the study eye improved to 20/25, 20/20 and J2 respectively. Mean BDVA was 20/20 while mean DCNVA was J3. Binocular UDVA was 20/20 and UNVA was J2. One eye lost 1 line and 2 eyes lost 2 lines of BDVA. Two eyes underwent enhancement while one eye had a reversal treatment.
The study outcomes indicate that the Supracor LASIK algorithm is safe and effective in pseudophakic patients implanted with a monofocal IOL. The treatment provides improved uncorrected near and intermediate vision, while maintaining or improving uncorrected distance vision.
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