Comparison of optic and immersion biometric methods
Poster Details
First Author: A. Grzybowski POLAND
Co Author(s): M. Gaca-Wysocka
Abstract Details
To compare an optical and immersion ultrasonic methods of biometry.
Accurate IOL power calculation is very important for patient satisfaction after cataract surgery. Although optical biometry measurement is considered as the gold standard, in many countries ultrasound biometry, as less expensive, is more available.
Thirty eyes of 30 cataract patients were evaluated with two type biometers: optical (Aladdin, Topcon) and immersion ultrasonic biometry (EyeCubed, Elex). All eyes were divided into three groups according to axial length: short (≤ 21.0), average (21,0-24,00) and long (≥ 24.00) eyes. The axial length, anterior chamber depth and IOL power were compared.
The optical measurements assessed the axial length as slightly longer (average difference 0,15 ±0.45) then immersion ultrasonic method. On the other hand, immersion ultrasonic method assessed the anterior chamber depth as slightly longer (average difference 0,21 ±0,52) than optical method.
In 50% of cases these differences did not influence the final IOL power; in 36% the final IOL power was better suited based on optical method measurements and in 13.4% - based on immersion ultrasonic method.
The differences in measurements between optical and immersion ultrasonic exist, and in 50% of cases determined the best-suited IOL power.
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