'Traffic light system' as an indicator for risky patients: initial experiences from practical application
Poster Details
First Author: J. Förster GERMANY
Co Author(s): T. Herbst D. Holland
Abstract Details
Although cataract surgery has become a standardized and safe procedure, adverse events like capsule ruptures still occur. The overall outcome of medical care is not solely determined by medical findings, but also by other factors (e.g. patient satisfaction). After presenting the main driving factors for a “traffic light system”, system implementation and first empirical results will be presented.
One surgeon used the “traffic light system” while remaining surgeons did not. For a general analysis, we included numerous pre-, peri- and postoperative findings in order to identify significant time-depending changes. Data collection occurred using the “Quality Network Bellevue” (QNB).
Our choice of statistical methods depends on the scale level of analyzed data: For examinations on aggregate levels, we used ANOVA test as well as ordinary t-test. For comparisons of ordinal data, we came back to Mann-Whitney-test and Kruskal-Wallis test. Further possible examinations will be realized by appropriate statistical methods.
Since data analyses are still in progress, first results only represent interim results. So far, no significant measurable differences were found due to the implementation of the “traffic light system” in comparison to the remaining surgeons. Regarding the subjective perception, the surgeon felt safer and found it very comfortable to receive a hint in case of very difficult cataract cases before looking at the preoperative data in detail.
Cataract surgery has become a standardized procedure since several years. As a consequence, intra- and postoperative complications only occur in very few cases. Nevertheless, a “traffic light system” for surgeons, which identifies patients showing a higher risk for complications, seems to be desirable in order to prevent complications.
According to first results, no significant differences were found after the introduction of the “traffic light system”. Nevertheless, the surgeon felt safer and more comfortable, especially with regard to difficult cataract cases.
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