The durability of the haptics of IOLs during extraction or scleral fixation
Poster Details
First Author: K. Kawai JAPAN
Co Author(s):
Abstract Details
Breaking of a haptic or a haptic breaking off of an implant has been reported during extraction of a dislocated intraocular lens (IOL) or scleral fixation of an IOL. Thus, the current study examined subjected the haptics of an IOL to a load in order to determine where (in what direction) they were fragile.
Department of Opthalmology
Tokai University School of Medicine
A tester was built to assess the haptics of IOLs. The optic of an IOL was immobilized, a haptic was grasped with forceps, and was subjected to a load to the left and right (x axis: + to the right, - to the left), forwards and backwards (y axis: + forwards, - backwards), and up and down (z axis: + up, - down). The IOLs assessed were hydrophobic acrylic IOLs (VA60BB, SA60AT, N4-11B, and MA60BM), a hydrophilic acrylic IOL (H60M), and silicone IOLs (AQ310NV and ClariFlex)
Intraocular lenses were subjected to the loads to determine the extent of movement that would result in damage to haptics. The haptic of the N4-11B broke in all 6 examined directions. Damage to the haptic occurred in every SA60AT specimen. Various IOLs were broken with a slight forward movement (4.2 to 7.1 mm) when subjected to a load along the y-axis.
IOLs were less likely to break when subjected to a load along the right direction (x-axis) or the depth direction (y-axis), but were fragile when subjected to a load along the forward direction (y-axis). Thus, the fragility of IOL haptics when pulling to an unexpected direction must be noted during extraction or scleral fixation of that IOL.
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