“Outside in” vs “inside out” phacoemulsification technique: a new approach for cataracts of different grade
Session Details
Session Title: Combined Cataract Surgery: Techniques/Practice Styles
Session Date/Time: Tuesday 13/09/2016 | 14:00-16:00
Paper Time: 15:22
Venue: Auditorium C6
First Author: : Y.Takhtaev RUSSIA
Co Author(s): : S. Takhtaev
Abstract Details
Every cataract surgeon, depending on personal skills, operates a number of techniques, that allow to customize his approach in every case. Many of them have minor differences and are all based on two main techniques: Divide & Conquer and Phaco Chop. Actually, it doesn’t matter what phaco machine you use! All that matters is how to use it promptly. The goal we face with our study is to compare different approaches for cataract removing and introduce a personal ”Outside In” phacoemulsification technique for different nuclear grade cataract cases.
North-Western State Medical Uiversity named after I.I.Mechnikov
A comprehensive study comparing the 'Outside In' phacoemulsification technique with other different horizontal and vertical chopping techniques.
Proposed personal technique shows significant advantages in different nuclear grade cataract cases, being a combination of horizontal and vertical chopping techniques and can be recommended for +1 - +3 nuclear grade cataracts.
'Outside In' phacoemulsification technique is a new concept for cataract removing, showing significant advantages vs classical chopping techniques.
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