Rotational stability of a new toric IOL platform after routine cataract surgery: Ankoris® and Finevision toric®
Session Details
Session Title: Pseudophakic IOLs: Toric II
Session Date/Time: Sunday 11/09/2016 | 16:00-18:00
Paper Time: 16:38
Venue: Auditorium C6
First Author: : K.Vandekerckhove SWITZERLAND
Co Author(s): :
Abstract Details
Long-term rotational stability of toric IOL is crucial, especially for the multifocal versions. We have evaluated the rotational stability of a new toric IOL platform with a double C-loop design. The monofocal (Ankoris®) and the trifocal (Finevision toric®) versions share an identical design, except for the diffractive surface (trifocal version). This is the first large study on rotational stability for this IOL platform.
Vista Alpina Eye Center, Switzerland.
Prospective study in 71 consecutive eyes of 53 patients undergoing cataract surgery. The monofocal IOL was implanted in 34 eyes, the trifocal in 37 eyes. Additionally, we included 15 eyes with a C-loop monofocal toric lens (Rayner toric®) for internal validation of the IOL alignment measurement method. IOL misalignment was measured 30’, one day, one week, six weeks, six months and one year after surgery. Further measurements included uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA) and manifest refraction. A dual Scheimpflug analyzer was used photographic assessment of IOL rotation. Mean pre-operative total corneal astigmatism was 2.13D +- 0.91 D (0.83 to 5.93D).
Postoperative residual refractive astigmatism was 0.43 D ± 0.47 D (six weeks). Postoperative UDVA was 0.23 ± 0.19 and 0.11 ± 0.10 logMAR (six weeks) in the monofocal and in the trifocal group respectively. Mean IOL rotation from 30’ to one year was 3.2° ± 3.5°. Total IOL misalignment in the monofocal and the trifocal IOL group relative to the intended axis was 6.1° ± 6.0° and 3.8° ± 3.6° respectively (p=0.05) at one year. The difference between the two groups appeared early, with total misalignment reaching 4.6° ± 5.3° and 3.0° ± 2.8° respectively (p=0.055) after one day.
Throughout the study, there was no clear correlation between IOL rotation and axial length or white-to-white.
The new toric IOL platform showed excellent long-term rotational stability. Despite identical design, the rotational stability of the trifocal toric IOL was better than that of the monofocal toric IOL, mainly due to better rotational stability during the first hours following surgery. We hypothesize that the different surface of the trifocal IOL prevents very early rotation through an increased friction coefficient.
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