Chairpersons: S. Morselli ITALY, W. Omulecki POLAND
- 17.00
- Cataract and glaucoma:
T. Zarnowski POLAND
Why combined glaucoma surgery is the procedure of choice
E. Mrukwa-Kominek POLAND
A sequential approach is clearly superior
- 17.30
- Cataract surgery in endothelial disease:
B. Cochener FRANCE
Combined endothelial keratoplasty and cataract surgery is the way to go
J. Hjortdal DENMARK
Cataract extraction alone is often sufficient
- 18.00
- Dealing with the lens in vitrectomy:
G. Richard GERMANY
The lens is in the way and should be removed
B. Parolini ITALY
The lens should be left in place as a physiological barrier
- 18.30
- End of Session