Prague 2012 Programme Hotels Exhibition Visa Information Satellite Meetings

Does the difference in the female/male acceptance and satisfaction of multifocal IOLs with the new MFIOLs still exist?

Session Details

Session Title: Cataract I

Session Date/Time: Friday 15/02/2013 | 10:30-12:30

Paper Time: 11:23

Venue: Hall 2

First Author: : M.Rau GERMANY

Co Author(s): :                  

Abstract Details


Discuss the differences in acceptance and satisfaction after implantation of different multifocal lenses in females and males.


Day Clinic Eye department, Private clinic Rau Cham


We evaluate and compare the satisfaction of man and woman after the implantation of various multifocal IOls Rezoom, Tecnis,Lentis Mplus and Fine Vision in our studies from 1999-2011 in 488 eyes of 269 patients.


Retrospective study included, Tecnis multifocal diffractive lens in 16o eyes of 80 patients. The uncorrected far vision was 0.78, for the near it was 0,85. 9% were not satisfied with the achieved results: 1 % women because of poor intermediate vision, 8% men, where of 6% complained of poor intermediate vision, 1 % of halos and glare. the multifocal refractive Rezoom (distance dominant)inh 160 eyes of 80 patients. The mean UCVA for the distance was 0,88, for the near 0,72.45% were very satisfied. 15% of 8% were not satisfied. 6% women due to poor near vision and 2% men due to glare and halos.; 120 eyes of 85 patients with asymmetric LentisM plus.The UCVA for distance was 0.88.for intermediate 0,64 for near 0,76 8%were not satisfied 8% woman due to poor near vision,. Fine Vison in the 48 eyes of 24 patients.Three months after the Implantation the mean UCVA for distance was 0,79,The intermediate visus was 0,78 , the near 0,88. 80% of the study patients were satisfied, 12 % very satisfied,8% were not satisfied all men because of glares and halos. All woman off the study 53% were very satisfied due to excellent near vision.


The refractive, distance dominant multifocal IOL (Rezoom,) scores high on satisfaction among male patients. In our studies higher patient satisfaction was achieved among female patients by implanting diffractive (Tecnis) The new asymetric lentis M plus achieved even better satisfaction in male patients. The trifokal Fine Vision achieved higher satisfaction in females. Taking gender differences into account as a factor for patient acceptance allows you to optimize patient satisfaction after the implantation of MF IOL.

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