Session Title: Refractive
Session Date/Time: Sunday 17/02/2013 | 08:30-11:00
Paper Time: 09:06
Venue: Hall 3
First Author: : W.Riha AUSTRIA
Co Author(s): : G. Grabner
To evaluate visual outcomes and procedure safety after small aperture corneal inlay implantation using the pocket software module on the iFS™ femtosecond laser.
University Eye Clinic, Paracelsus Medical University, Salzburg, Austria
This prospective, interventional case series included 8 naturally emmetropic presbyopic patients between 47 and 56 years of age. The Kamra™ inlay (AcuFocus, Irvine, CA), is an ultrathin (5 um thick) microperforated, opaque artificial annulus (3.8 mm outer diameter and 1.6 mm inner diameter) made of biocompatible polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF). The device is implanted to improve intermediate and near vision in presbyopic patients. The corneal inlay was implanted in the non-dominant eye over the visual axis after creation of a corneal pocket at 220μm depth, using the pocket software module of the iFS Femtosecond Laser (AMO, CA). Refraction, uncorrected near (UNVA), intermediate (UIVA) and distance visual acuity (UDVA), as well as subjective patient satisfaction were evaluated over a follow-up of 6 months.
There were no surgical complications; all pockets were created at the planned depth followed by successful implantation of a small aperture inlay. After 1 day (in the implanted eye) the mean uncorrected distance and near VA changed to 20/25 (preop 20/16) and J5 (preop J7/8) respectively; at week 1 acuities were 20/20 and J3 and were 20/20, J2 at 1 month after surgery. All patients achieved monocular acuities of 20/25 or better for distance and J3 or better for near, and binocular acuities of 20/16 and J3 or better at the last visit. The refraction remained stable over this time period. Preop mean S.E. 0.03 (±0,16) D changing to -0.2 (±0.4) D without any induced manifest astigmatism. At 6 months all patients claimed they would undergo the surgery again.
The pocket software for the iFS appears to be safe and effective for creating intrastromal pockets to implant small aperture corneal inlays in emmetropic presbyopes, providing fast visual recovery. The safety and efficacy of the Kamra™ inlay (implanted using a mask to create the corneal pocket) has been previously published in larger series.
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