Session Title: Cataract II
Session Date/Time: Saturday 16/02/2013 | 08:30-11:00
Paper Time: 09:52
Venue: Hall 1
First Author: : S.Mohan INDIA
Co Author(s): : M. Rajan
To analyse the indications & results of Glued IOLs in different situations
Rajan Eye Care Hospital, Chennai
Fifty six eyes underwent Glued IOL during the period of January 2010 to Jan 2011. 63.%of the patients were aphakic after cataract surgery. They included patients who had PCR and left aphakic/17 %patients requiring combined surgery like nucleus removal/IOL removal by Pars Plana vitrectomy, 20 % patients required corneal transplant with Glued IOL.
92 % of the patients regained 20/40 or greater vision. The reason for failure was cystoids macular edema, high astigmatism, retinal detachment.
Glued IOL showed excellent response in patients with highly satisfactory results.
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