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Surgical management of post-traumatic iris cyst
Poster Details
First Author: A.Mrani Alaoui MOROCCO
Co Author(s): C. Khodriss M. Firdaoussi A. Bennis F. Chraibi M. Abdellaoui I. Benatiya Andaloussi
Abstract Details
Epithelial cysts of the iris may be primary or secondary. Secondary iris cysts may occur after intraocular surgery, trauma, inflammation or long-term use of topical medications like miotics .
The management of secondary, posttraumatic iris cysts is often challenging. The purpose of this work is to report the successful surgical management of a post-traumatic iris cyst.
The study is made in Ophtalmology department at HASSAN II university hospital, Fez. Morocco , SIDI MOHAMED BEN ABDELLAH university Fez Morocco
We report the case of post-traumatic iris cyst observed in two patients who consulted at ophthalmic emergencies.
Two childrenĀ presented themsalves for eye pain, redness and photophobia.
Both children were operated on for inferior corneal wound 2 months before.
Slit lamp examination found a corneal scar and a lower cyst facing the wound and reaching the axis.
The intraocular pressure was normal and the examination of the eye adelphe was without particularity.
Patients underwent surgical excision. The iris cyst was excised in total, the epithelial downgrowth was also excised, The post-operative period was uneventful. There was no significant ocular inflammatory reaction, and fundus was normal on dilated ophthalmoscopic examination.
In conclusion, the optimal management of post-traumatic iris cysts often poses a challenge for ophthalmologists. A variety of surgical techniques, ranging from minimally invasive laser procedures to extensive surgical procedures like block excision, have been tried with variable outcomes . However, the basic principle in the surgical management of secondary iris cysts seems to be that, as far as possible, the proliferative epithelial tissue which constitutes the cyst wall, and the associated epithelial downgrowth, have to be completely excised, while keeping the collateral tissue damage at a minimum level.
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