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A case report: the importance of an early treatment in the case of a canalicular section

Poster Details

First Author: S.Moutamani MOROCCO

Co Author(s): K. Rifai   A. Ennejjar   A. Amazouzi   L. Cherkaoui           

Abstract Details


Tear trauma is an important part of the emergency activity of an ophthalmic service. It mainly affects males, at any age, including the very young child. Usually it is a canalicular section, located within the lacrimal point. The purpose of this case is to make a  clinical diagnosis and manage it on the first 48 hours to avoid fibrosis that complicate the surgical procedure with more random results.


The case has been reported in the ophthalmic emergency department, Hôpital des spécialités, Mohamed V university in Rabat,Morocco.


We report the case of a 26-year-old man, with no specific antecedents, who was assaulted with a knife on his  left eye causing a painful  and red eye. The first examination eliminates a vital emergency and finds on inspection of the left eye a palpebral ecchymosis and a wound of the upper eyelid affecting the free edge but outside the upper lacrymal point and a wound in the lower eyelid located on the medial side inside the inferior lacrimal point.We did a complete and bilateral slip lamp examination of the anterior and the posterior segment.


On the left eye we found a visual acuity at 10/10, a pressure at 15mmhg, a normal oculomotricity,a good reflex and a subconjunctival haemorrhage in the temporal side of the eye. The vitreous and the retina were normal. The right eye did not present any particularity. The surgical procedure included suturing the two ends (proximal and distal) of the inferior canaliculus with mono canalicular intubation by a Mini-Monok ® probe, and the suture of the upper eyelid by the vicryl 8-0. Anti-tetanus and antibiotic prevention has been advocated.The evolution was favorable and we remove the probe after three months.


Lacrimal system injuries represent a significant part of ocular emergencies. The diagnosis is easily made by inspection and can be confirmed by probing. Other lesions can be associated and require proper identification. The care must be taken urgently if the globe is reached; it can be deferred in the first 48 hours if not.

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