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Unusual foreign body complaint revealing subconjunctival cysts of an uncommon cause

Poster Details

First Author: Y.Malek MOROCCO

Co Author(s): Y. Debbabi   Z. Chaibi   M. Khmamouche   R. Zerrouk   K. Reda   A. Oubaaz     

Abstract Details


To report a case of subconjonctival silicon oil cysts that highlights the strong link between posterior segment eye disease and ocular surface disorders


Mohammed V Military Medical Training Hospital


We report a case of a 12-year-old patient with a history of post-traumatic retinal detachment of the right eye 3 years ago, that underwent a pars plana vitrectomy with silicone oil tamponade in an external healthcare institution, before being lost to follow-up. The patient presented to the ophthalmology emergencies, complaining from a foreign body sensation of the right eye with a persistent declined vision.


Ophthalmic examination revealed a best corrected visual acuity of light perception OD and 20/20 OS. Anterior segment examination showed shiny and translucent subconjunctival silicon oil cysts, of different sizes, scattered all around the limbus on 360 degrees. The rest of the examination showed a subcapsular cataract, while the fundus was inaccessible. B-Scan ocular ultrasound showed a closed funnel-shaped total retinal detachment. Anatomic and functional visual outcomes were explained to parents who refused surgery.


Silicon oil tamponade during vitreoretinal surgery may be associated with subconjunctival leakage especially when sclerotomies are unsutured. Clinical manifestations may vary from undetectable silicone deposits to macrocysts and even massive leak. Siliconoma wich represent silicone oil granuloma with inflammatory reaction have also been described. When irritating, silicone oil cysts or granulomas may be removed surgically. In total, this case highlights the strong link between posterior segment disease and anterior surface disorders that need a deep work-up which may reveal sight threatening disease.

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