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Corneal volume variation from normal corneas to moderate keracotonus
Poster Details
First Author: C.Filali FRANCE
Co Author(s): C. Khodriss S. Ech Chrif El Kettani A. Bennis F. Chraibi M. Abdellaoui I. Benatiya Andaloussi
Abstract Details
To evaluate the corneal volume in normal and keratoconic eyes to better understand the tissue distribution associated with this disease using a rotating Scheimpflug.
The study is made in Ophtalmology department at HASSAN II university hospital, Fez. Morocco
Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University Fez Morocco
One hundred fifty-one 151 eyes with mild to moderate keratoconus (45 with mild keracotonus and 106 with moderate keracotonus) based on keratoconus severity score (KSS), 28 eyes with subclinical keracotonus and 89 normal eyes were evaluated with a Pentacam Scheimpflug camera (Oculus Inc.) and which has been used to analyze the corneal volume contained within discs with diameters of 3, 5, 7, and 10 mm.
Statistically significant differences were observed between the keratoconic and normal corneas (P <0.05) in all diameters of corneal volume distribution. The most strong association was found in between normal and subclinical keracotonus.
Corneal thinning in keracotonus may explain the decrease in corneal volume whether in confirmed keracotonus or subclinical forms. Our finding in Morrocan corneas consistent with the other results and confirm that the corneal volume could serve as a valid index to diagnose subclinical, mild and moderate keracotonus.
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