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Climatic droplet keratopathy: a unique case report from Morocco

Poster Details

First Author: R.El Hadiri MOROCCO

Co Author(s): R. Elhachimi   N. Boutimzine   L. Cherkaoui              

Abstract Details


To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of climatic droplet keratopathy(CDK) from Morocco by which we will discuss the particularities of this condition in a particular context.


Mohammed V University, University Hospital Ibn Sina Rabat, Departement A of Ophthalmology, Morocco


A 88 years old farmer, living in a rural region of the Middle Atlas, consulted for a bilateral slowly progressive loss of vision, photophobia, tearing and foreign body sensation over 30 years. The patient denied any previous medical consultation. On examination, best corrected visual acuity was hand motion in the right eye, light perception in the left eye and ocular tension was normal. On slit-lamp examination, we noted the presence of bilateral  band-shaped, confluent, elevated, golden, subepithelial droplets in the area of the palpebral fissure associated with corneal neovascularization. B-scan ultrasonography revealed bilateral cataract and complete vitreous detachment.


CDK is a potentially handicapping corneal degeneration appearing to be multifactorial and is particularly frequent in individuals excessively exposed to ultra-violet light which triggers oxidative stress and inflammatory processes within the corneal tissue leading to protein degradation and accumulation. Clinical presentation is characterized by haziness and globular golden deposits increasing in numbers and coalescence.  Our case highlights an advanced clinical stage of this condition. The patient believed that loss a vision in an incurable divine decision that he musts accept without any surgical intervention. This reflects that beyond medical considerations, socio-cultural factors could amputate chances for best quality of life.


CDK in a corneal degeneration progressively affecting the most anterior layers of the corneal and  leading to significant visual disability in late stages. Excessive exposure to ultra-violet light from solar irradiation is considered as a main causal factor. Different attempts were made to search new treatments by highlighting new scientific evidence regarding the genetic, molecular and histological aspects of this rare and multifactorial disease.  The  treatment of this potentially handicapping and visually incapaciting disease is mostly symptomatic. Hence, prevention is a must in such cases.

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