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Case report: unilateral Mooren ulcer revealing hepatitis C

Poster Details

First Author: H.Alaoui Ismaili MOROCCO

Co Author(s): Z. Hammoumi   I. Essemlali   R. Nasrouni   L. Maaloum   B. Allali   A. Kettani     

Abstract Details


Clinical manifestations , diagnosis and therapeutic modalities of Mooren ulcer in a patient who consults for a painful red eye at the  emergency Department of the 20th August 1953 Hospital in Casablanca (Morocco)


Pediatric ophthalmology department; August 20th,1953 hospital Ibn Rochd University ,Hospital Center Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy  , Hassan II University Casablanca (Morocco).


We present the case of a 74 years old patient, consulting for a painful red eye associated with a decrease of the visual acuity and tearing evolving since 3 weeks We conducted a general, and an ophthalmological examination that founds(left eye): VA: 2/10 Conjunctival hyperemia, BUT<10 sec, Shirmer test: positive. marginal corneal ulcer making 5mm / 2mm, circumferential and digging, associated with diffuse SPK. nuclear cataract and posterior subcapsular Normal fundus. The ulcer was treated with antibiotics, artificial tears and without improvement


An infectious and immunological assessment was carried out: Hepatitis C serology: positive Once the diagnosis of hepatitis C confirmed topical corticosteroid therapy was initiated Hepatitis C treatment: ribavirin and interferon The evolution was marked by the improvement of the visual acuity (4/10) and healing of the ulcer with early onset of neovascularization.


Mooren's ulcer is a chronic, unilateral or bilateral peripheral corneal ulceration. The exact pathophysiology is poorly known but the autoimmune hypothesis is the subject of a consensus, it would involve humoral and cellular immunity. Infrequent pathology that may compromise the visual prognosis. Hepatitis C is responsible for Mooren's ulcer by a mechanism of cross-immunity. Treatment: early with etiological treatment.

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