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Sutural cataract: a case report
Poster Details
First Author: Z.Filali MOROCCO
Co Author(s): A. Bouzidi J. Laayoune A. Alami S. Iferkhass A. Laktaoui
Abstract Details
Sutural cataracts are congenital lens opacities that affect the Y sutures of fetal lens nucleus and usually very slow to progress.
The purpose is to show the typical aspect of a sutural cataract, and discuss its diffenrent causes.
We report here the case of a patient who was admitted in our service, for progressive decrease in visual acuity.
A 37-year-old male consult for progressive decrease in visual acuity.
His best-corrected visual acuity was 20/25 in both eyes.
On slit lamp, his corneas were clear, and there was presence of Y-shaped lenticular opacities which followed the sutures of lens nucleus in both eyes.
Anterior lens opacity was in the form of upright “Y” and posterior lens opacity was inverted “Y” shaped.
Otherwise the fundus was normal in the both eyes.
Sutural cataracts are congenital lens opacities that affect the Y sutures of fetal lens nucleus and usually very slow to progress.
May occur in isolation or associated with other opacities.
The commun causes are diverse infections, genetic, metabolic or toxic. But mainly (one of third) dominated by congenital causes
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