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Christmas tree cataract
Poster Details
First Author: H.Boui MOROCCO
Co Author(s): H. Boui A. Bouzidi J. Chaakouk Z. Filali E. Mouhcine S. Iferkhas
Abstract Details
The decrease in visual acuity is the most frequent reason for consultation in ophthalmology.
Cataract is at the origin of this decline in more than half of the consultants.
Christmas tree cataract is a rare form associated with increased concentration of calcium in the lens.
We report here the case of a patient who was seen in our formation. This is a 67 year old man. Without particular antecedents.
Admitted for a decrease in visual acuity that has been changing for the last 5 years on the right side.
The ophthalmological examination finds:
Visual acuity at 1/10 right eye level, 6/10 at the left eye.
Examination of the anterior segment at both eyes a clear cornea with a good anterior chamber, at the right eye colored opacities shaped in the cortex and nucleus of the lens describing the typical appearance of the cataract in Christmas tree, at the level of the left eye a beginner cortical cataract.
Examination of the posterior segment at the level of both eyes is without particularity.
The cataract in Christmas tree is polychrome aspect very reflective, and iridescent.
It is in the form of small needles that go in all directions, the latter change color depending on the angle of the incident light. Adjacent areas of the lens remain clear.
Christmas tree cataract is a rare aspect of crystalline opacification.
It is secondary to the degradation of crystalline proteins, following the accumulation of calcium ion.
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