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Unilateral congenital cataract

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First Author: S.Benadada MOROCCO

Co Author(s): Y. Mouzari   K. Reda   A. Oubaaz              

Abstract Details


The unilateral congenital cataract can be a lamellar or zonular cataract. It's a hereditary cataract that is transmitted in an autosomal dominant mode. The crystalline opacities are located at the level of the primary fibers in the embryonic nucleus. This cataract is usually bilateral and asymmetrical. Sometimes the whole nucleus can be affected causing a significant decrease in visual acuity.


The case of a 16-year-old patient who was consulting in the military hospital Mohammed V Rabat in Morocco for a unilateral decrease in visual acuity.


We report the case of a 16-year-old patient who was consulting for a decrease in visual acuity. The patient had no notable pathological history. His visual acuity at Snellen chart was 3/10 in the left eye and 10/10 in the right eye. The slit lamp revealed a lamellar cataract on the left eye. The fundus was no particularity


The patient underwent cataract surgery by phacoemulsification with an intraocular implant. The operative follow-up was uneventful and the visual acuity has improved to 10/10 in the left eye after two weeks of the surgery.


The lamellar cataract can be congenital or it can be acquired during the first years of life due to tetany or rickets. The cataract is always large enough to occlude the pupil. Its effect on vision depends primarily on the density of its components - especially the nucleus, and on the age of onset of the cataract.

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