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The epidemiological and clinical profile of congenital ectopia lentis (a 21 cases report)

Poster Details

First Author: R.Aymane MOROCCO

Co Author(s): Y. Boubnan   A. El Bouaychi   F. Boudguigue   N. Boutimzine   M. Laghmari   W. Cherkaoui     

Abstract Details


Congenital ectopia lentis (CEL) is a congenital zonular disease that leads to displacement of the lens from its natural position. It usually occurs bilaterally and often associated with inherited connective tissue disorder such as Marfan syndrome, ,homocystinuria and Weill-Marchesani syndrome.Dislocation of the lens can cause high refractive error, irregular astigmatism, decreased best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) and monocular diplopia. Unfortunately, the lack of guidelines available in the healthcare industry at present makes the treatment of CEL very challenging, particularly in children. Appropriate and timely management should be taken to prevent strabismus, amblyopia and blindness.


Department A of ophtalmology, Hopital des spécialités,Mohammed V University, Faculty of medecine, Rabat, Morocco


This work was designed as a retrospective study.The research studied CEL in-patients who were treated from Jan. 1st 2006 to Dec. 31th 2018. All of the cases with congenital displaced lens was registreted. Every case record was reviewed to confirm the presence of ectopia lentis (EL) in the absence of head trauma, ocular trauma, lens dislocation secondary to tumor or surgical operation. The age, gender, family medical history, history of general disease, hospitalization time, preoperative ocular examination, and postoperative ocular examination were extracted. Those that did not contain all the required information as mentioned above were excluded from this study.


21 children's files were collected, (11 girls and 10 boys) with an average age of 7.5 years. The sex-ratio was 0.90 . Totally 14.28% (3/21) of the CEL patients have a family history of Ectopic lens and 23.80% (5/21) had a systemic medical abnormality. The 19.04% (4/21) CEL patients had a history of other ocular diseases.The initial preoperative visual acuity varied between finger movement and 2/10. All of patients received lens extraction surgeries without IOL implantation, in addition to the treatment of their amblyopia.The final visual acuity was:greater than 5/10 in 8 eyes.


In our country, crystalline ectopia presents a problem of public health. Its management is summarized in 4 essential objectives: Diagnosis and early treatment,restitution of a useful visual acuity, treatment of amblyopia, and early detection among family members. The operative techniques know a perpetual improvement, but the surgeon's experience, remains the paramount factor, and the best technique is the one that one masters better.

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